Python For PHP Programmers

Don't Switch. Grow.

A PHP expert’s guide to Python.

  • Get coding right away
  • Map common (and advanced) PHP techniques to their Python equivalents
  • Learn what tracks directly…
  • And what needs translating
  • Avoid pitfalls and false friends
  • Master Python conventions and best practices
  • Discover new libraries and tools
  • Dig deeper to understand core concepts and language elements

Python for PHP Programmers is in development and will be available for pre-order soon.

Enormous thanks to those who signed up as beta readers. We’ll be sending out our first consultations in the coming week or two.

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Why PHP coders should learn Python too

Python for PHP Programmers

Languages are not tribes. Diversify to improve your skills and earning power.

The print() function and string formatting

Python for PHP Programmers

You have to start with “Hello, World”, and that means printing it. We begin the project by digging in to Python’s print function.

Working with Python variables

Python for PHP Programmers

At the core of coding is the ability to change data and behaviour. For that you need to define variables and assign data to them.

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